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Meditation Room


The Mediataion Room gives a place to rest, and relax the body and the mind. You will find in the room a soft, comfortable pillow to sit on, while a small hole in the back of the wall lets a glimmer of light shine through. That illuminates the room, while a waterfall flows gently about as you listen to soothing sound.

Sky Room


This is a very simple room, with fluffy clouds that move and change with time. You can lay down on the floor that can move a bit up and down. You will feel like being in a waterbed, because the floor is designed to look like the clear, blue sea.

Bounce House


This room is set up to colorful and playful atmosphere, and ignites the most innocent imagination. Also, you can literally bounce off wall-like structures without getting badly hurt. This room can be used by children and adults.

Theater Room


This room is just a private theater. You can verbailze when seeing a movie with your friend, without concern for being called loud or rude. You also enjoy great seats, with the perfect distance from the screen. In addition, you are treated to a sound system that flows through the room beautifully.

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